Certified NRA Pistol Instructor
Certified NRA Training Counselor (an Instructor's Instructor)
Combat Pistol Course (16 hours) - Handgun Combatives (Dave Spaulding - 36 year LE vet, SWAT Training Officer, FBI SWAT School grad, and more.)
Close Retention Shooting Course (8 hours) - Handgun Combatives (Dave Spaulding - Retired 36 year LE, SWAT, SWAT Training Officer, etc.)
Certified and trained by the late Carl "Bud" Moore (NRA Training Counselor, certified in many disciplines), Navy veteran, formerly of Weyer Tactical
Extreme Close Quarters Gunfighting (8 hours) - Greg Ellifritz (Retired 25 year LE, Certified OPOTA Instructor, LE Instructor at Active Response Training, Tactical Defense Institute 17 years, etc.)
Defensive Knife Skills Course - Greg Ellifritz (Retired 25 year LE, Certified OPOTA Instructor, TDI Instructor 17 years, etc.)
Naval Special Warfare Skills & Drills (16 hours) - Tactical Rifle (MALC Training Institute; Instructor Kenneth Bigbee Jr. - U.S. Navy SEAL vet)
Extreme Gunfighter (16 hours Intense Advanced Rifle & Pistol Course) - MALC Training Institute; Instructor Chief Warrant Officer James Gibson (23 years US Army, 8 yrs SWAT LE); Assistant Instructor - Scott Wealing (US Army Ranger-LRS, 15 yrs US military vet, CIA Contractor, Exec Protection Services)
Certified in Advanced Concealed Carry, Tier 2 Training (Instructor Chris Cravens, Marines Sgt Infantry vet)
Certified in Tactical Carbine (Rifle), Tier 2 Training (Instructor Chris Cravens, Marines Sgt Infantry vet)
Force on Force Shooting (Simunitions), Tier 2 Training
Trained with several veteran/active U.S. military personnel (including team members in Special Operations) and law enforcement (SWAT, Drug Task Force, and Certified OPOTA instructors) in advanced pistol and rifle
Trained in Basic Precision rifle (close range to 300 yards) by MRPC members & Camp Perry Competitors
IDPA competitor (International Defensive Pistol Assoc.)
Younger years practitioner of Golden Gloves Boxing
Stop the Bleed (Basic Trauma Training) 6 Hours UC Hospital Med Staff, Trauma Surgeon MD, Cincinnati FD
Extreme violence survivor having personally survived & defended against many armed & unarmed conflicts at close range. Some encounters have been published in Combat Handguns Magazine.
Extensively training with firearms since 2004
What inspired the company name? RideOrDie is hip-hop/Generation-X slang for the fight or flight concept. Our motto: "When innocent lives are at risk we can Ride into battle or do nothing and die for sure! For us the choice is easy, RIDE!"
Certified NRA Pistol Instructor
28 years Cincinnati Police Dept (recently retired)
5 years in Cincinnati PD working in Drug Task Force/Undercover Assignment
Certified A.L.I.C.E. Instructor (Active Shooter Course)
Attended various tactical law enforcement courses at Tactical Defense Institute, O.P.O.T.A, and other Qualified Law Enforcement Instructors
Certified - Patrol Rifle Qualification
Extreme violence survivor having personally survived & defended against many armed & unarmed conflicts at close range while on duty
7 Black Belts in Tang Soo Do Karate. 45+ years in martial arts training
"Civilians should be knowledgeable about gun laws in their area. It's also a good idea for legally armed civilians to know how to deal with law enforcement properly. The goal is for everyone to be safe & close the gap between civilians & law enforcement." - Terrence Forte
Frequent guest instructors -
Officer Jesse - Law Enforcement Officer in OH, OPOTA Certified Firearms Instructor
Deputy James - Law Enforcement Officer in OH, MMA practitioner, 2nd degree black belt Taekwondo Karate